Re: Got Agent, I'm Gone

Mark Landers (
Mon, 19 Aug 1996 19:35:42 -0400

In article <>, (Phil Crown) wrote:
:>This will probably be my final posting to the list as I just purchased
:>Agent and am no longer using YARN.
:>YARN has served it's purpose well over the last year or two in
:>providing a good migration from my BBS reader to the real Internet.
:>But Agent is easier to use and less cumbersome, overall I think it's a
:>more powerful program.
:>So I'm unsubscribing.
:>I'd like to thank those of you who have provided me with advice and
:>tools (YES, YARNUTIL) and thanks to Chin for all the work he's put
:>into YARN.
:Agent? That's a GUI isn't it? Yuck! :-)

I do my news and mail on an Omnibook 300. Kind off hard to run Agent.
Besides, who needs a GUI for a pure text operation?

      Mark Landers      |      The object of opening the mind
                        |         as of opening the mouth  |  is to close it again on something solid
                        |         --  G. K. Chesterton --