Re: Help with Souper/Souper95

Robert P. Rush (
Fri, 09 Aug 1996 07:34:44 -0500

On Wed, 07 Aug 1996 07:48:42 -0400,
In article <>, (Zachary Ethridge) wrote:
>Hi there.
>I'm having trouble with Souper95. It does email OK, but the news upload has
>a problem. When I upload a post Souper95 returns an error "Bad command or
>file name" and no post goes out. Downloading news works flawlessly though.
>Using Souper for Windows everything goes OK, so I believe Souper95 is the
>problem. Unfortunately I use a batch file to do my soup packets. Souper
>for Windows spawns off, the batch file goes on it's merry way and tries to
>do things before Souper for Windows is through with it's part.
>So, 2 problems:
> 1. Why does Souper95 error out when I upload my news posts?
> 2. How can I get Souper for Windows to behave and not return control
> to my batch file until it is done?

I can't answer problem # 1, but for problem #2, you want to use the
"start /W" command. This will start a program and wait for the results
before running the next statement in the batch file. I don't have the
full docs on 95 nor a copy of 95 running, but I believe it is used in
the following manner:

start /W souper ...


Bob Rush                    | eschew obfuscation                |
<> |

Agnostic, n: An atheist with an insurance policy.