Re: unsubscribe yarn-list

Debra Walker (
Sat, 17 Aug 1996 16:08:55 -0500

On Sat, 17 Aug 1996 11:53:22 -0400, in yarn.list, article
<yreFygA/>, (Jim Holcomb) wrote:

>Is there a way to automatically post subscribe / unsubscribe
>informtion, perhaps weekly? This question comes pretty regular.

Perhaps, you can ask Mike Stanczyk ( about
this. He is the person that I contacted earlier this year about
subscription queries.

>In fact, I need to un-subscribe and resubscribe under a new e-mail
>address and lost the instructions (Thanks Debra!)

You're welcome :)... Try sending a message to, with a blank subject line, and the
following in the body:

unsubscribe yarn-list <your old email address>

You may have to send a separate message (same as above), except with
the following in the body:

subscribe yarn-list <your new email address>

I think that should work. But, please double-check this information
with Mike Stanczyk.

Debra Walker

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL