Get News Groups v0.05

Phil Crown (
Wed, 14 Aug 1996 10:01:07 -0500

Hello All!

I am releasing! :-)

Get News Groups. Retrieves a list of all news groups from an NNTP news
server, and creates a newsrc formatted text file. OS/2 version. Freeware
with C++ source.

It will (theoritically) compile under Win95, however I don't have Win95
or a compiler.

The exciting part is that it now shows the cps! :-) Maybe its not that
exciting, but it is to me because I have an internal modem and now way to
see what my throughput is, until now. :-)

This will probably (hopefully) be the last version.

As usual, it can be downloaded from Tim Muddleton's Web Page (thanks Tim!);

Yarn/2 Bells & Whistles Page:

Phil Crown <>