Souper error

Toni Lahti (
Wed, 14 Aug 1996 13:46:42 +0300

There's some finnish in there, but I'm sure that Bob'll manage to squeez=
out the information :) And yeah, souper crashed so here's the error mess=

SOUPER aiheutti yleisen suojausvirheen
moduulissa BC402RTL.DLL muistipaikassa 0001:000047b5.
EAX=3D0000002e CS=3D39d7 EIP=3D000047b5 EFLGS=3D00000282
EBX=3D00010000 SS=3D39c7 ESP=3D0000af76 EBP=3D0000af7c
ECX=3D00880000 DS=3D381f ESI=3D00000c35 FS=3D0000
EDX=3D81550000 ES=3D0000 EDI=3D0000002e GS=3D0000
Tavut muistipaikassa CS:EIP:
26 f6 47 02 08 74 2f eb 20 ff 76 06 ff 76 04 c4
Pinon vedos:
0c35002e b030002e 0000d682 002e0000 39c7af9a 000039c7 fff10000 3917dab4 =
ffff0111 6e6e6143 6320746f 656e6e6f 74207463 656e206f 632e7377 75742e63 =

SOUPER aiheutti yleisen suojausvirheen
moduulissa BC402RTL.DLL muistipaikassa 0001:000047b5.
EAX=3D0000002e CS=3D3c5f EIP=3D000047b5 EFLGS=3D00000282
EBX=3D00010000 SS=3D3c97 ESP=3D0000af76 EBP=3D0000af7c
ECX=3D008b0000 DS=3D4807 ESI=3D00000c35 FS=3D013f
EDX=3D81550000 ES=3D0000 EDI=3D0000002e GS=3D0000
Tavut muistipaikassa CS:EIP:
26 f6 47 02 08 74 2f eb 20 ff 76 06 ff 76 04 c4
Pinon vedos:
0c35002e b030002e 0000d682 002e0000 3c97af9a 00003c97 fff10000 47f7dab4 =
ffff0111 6e6e6143 6320746f 656e6e6f 74207463 656e206f 632e7377 75742e63 =

     Toni Lahti                  EMAIL: OR
               SNAIL: Vilppulanpolku 16 a4 33720 TRE, FINLAND
       Answers: $1, Short: $5, Correct: $25, dumb looks are still free.