Help! Yarn doesn't import all mail!

Sean Flynn (
Tue, 13 Aug 1996 01:02:20 -0700 (PDT)

Is there a way you can force Yarn to accept mail even though it thinks
the mail doesn't have a message ID? When I import mail, for certain
groups (it tends to be binary groups, in particular the binary files)
Yarn gives me the message:
import: article rejected -- no message-ID So, anyone know why it does
this for binary files (and I think once or twice for an ascii file) and
how I can make it accept the article? It might make sense if it did this
for all uuencoded articles, but it doesn't. Sometimes I'll be able to
import an article and other times I won't. Even from one group, at one
time, I will have some rejected and some accepted so again it doesn't make
sense. I know these articles are fine before they leave my server because
I usually check the mail groups manually to ensure it is worth
downloading. If I manually unzip the packed file, I can view the
uuencoded files fine as well - the only problems seems to be when Yarn
get's it's hands on the file! Help!
