Re: Souper error logging

Phil Crown (
Sat, 10 Aug 1996 23:02:02 -0500

>In <> (read in lists.yarn),
> (Phil Crown) wrote:
>>I don't know if Win95 can do this.
>>It may be possible to find a util that will reopen stderr to a file,
>>then run that in a .bat file to redirect only stderr. Or there may be
>>util to redirect stderr and stdout to a file and to the screen.
>See /emx/samples/redir.c, redirlib.h and redirlib.c
>>I'd try asking in the Fidonet BATPOWER echo. If it can be done, surely
>>someone there knows how. Or a newsgroups for .bat file programming.
>If you don't have emx (anymore), Thomas Seeling posted them in OS2PROG
>dd. Juli 22 (sub. "EMX\GCC C", addressed to Mick Howe).

Yes, I still have emx/gnu. :-)

I just browsed the source files you mentioned, it looks like they would
work, but I don't have a Win95 compiler.

Phil Crown <>