Re: Newsrc...

Mikus Grinbergs (
Thu, 08 Aug 1996 11:56:59 -0500

In article <>, wrote:
> Can I use the same newsrc for Yarn and Souper?
> It would be nice to add and remove newsgroups in Yarn without using editor
> to add/remove !'s :'s :=)


The souper newsrc keeps track of what articles at the news server have
so far been fetched by souper to your local Yarn database.

The user\yarn newsrc keeps track of what articles in your local Yarn
database have so far been shown to you (on your screen) by Yarn.

Those are DIFFERENT uses - so you need different newsrc files for them.

It gets even more fun if you need to fetch articles from more than one
news server (each would need its own souper newsrc file), and if several
people in your household are independently reading the fetched news
(each would need his own user\yarn newsrc file to keep track of what
he had looked at previously).
